Beneficial outcomes

Amidst the upheaval and repercussions of the coronavirus measures, it is difficult to not be affected by the heightened fear and anger both nationally and globally. But there are so many potential benefits coming from this ‘’crisis”, that it is easy to see how the Universe or our wise Soul selves used what Kryon refers…

The BIG Leap

Hoping all are enjoying this roller coaster ride of winter temps and our easy slide into Pre-spring! How apropos that this is a Leap Year in the year of “Societal Reset” and the beginning of a decade of Global Transformation! Another one of countless indicators that surround us on a daily basis that we are…

Equilibrium and Counterbalance

Happy Spring Equinox to ALL! Truly a Spring day here on the East coast, enjoying both the remains of our recent snow storm with the chill in the air and the warmth of the sun shining on the buds starting to come forth. Another expression of the Equinox as equal parts of day/night, dark/light, Fall…

Ancient and Modern Technology

Such an awesome and awe inspiring time we live in! While the current shifts and energetics are causing many to be uncomfortable in their bodies, and/or lives, it is also a time when the most amazing and powerful shifts, openings and completions can occur. Interestingly it necessitates a deeper level of sensitivity or perhaps better…

Urgent Earth Energetics‏

  Hoping this finds you all yawning, stretching and coming out of winter hibernation mode to enjoy this beautiful entrance into Spring! This winter has allowed me to drop deeply into the introspection and review of life choices, completions and designs for the future. Hopefully you allotted space for similar reflection, receiving guidance and direction…