Urgent Earth Energetics‏


EarthbodyHoping this finds you all yawning, stretching and coming out of winter hibernation mode to enjoy this beautiful entrance into Spring!

This winter has allowed me to drop deeply into the introspection and review of life choices, completions and designs for the future. Hopefully you allotted space for similar reflection, receiving guidance and direction to assist you though the current and forthcoming dramatic earth changes.

We are in an unprecedented time of evolution that requires us to address the physical effects of the ‘re’evolutionary earth shifts occurring as a result of Earths choice to grow and develop regardless of humanity’s choices, as she has her own soul trajectory and timing of her Liberation.


The beauty of the original Earth design was the intimate and intricate partnership of humans with Nature in the cooperative exploration of this 3rd Dimensional level of separation and duality with an overarching dominance by the male aspects of the human psyche. To be played out in the physical with power being held by a small percentage, wars that determined the amount of that power through control of resources, suppression of the masses or majority through ignorance/lack of access to knowledge, poverty, political or religious oppression and control by Tyrants, Kings, Popes and Emperors. Coinciding with this was the objectification and demonization of women to effectively subdue and quash the feminine aspects of our true nature. All agreed upon parameters of the game.


These feminine aspects which are coming forth at this time to balance and round out the full expression of humanity in the next stage of development. Those traits of feeling, empathy, intuition, expressiveness, nurturing protection and inner awareness. Developing and fortifying this side of us may allow us to not only survive the many challenges facing us as a species, but thrive through the feminine ways of Connection, Communication, Cooperation, Collaboration and Communion.


Ways in which we anciently were in relationship to the earth and Nature, aware of the rhythms and cycles of the seasons and the land and its effect and reflection in and on our bodies and mind. We have the same structures and configurations as the earth and our bodies are subject to the same stressors and influences that the earth experiences when these shifts and changes occur. We have lost touch with our ability to sense and intuitively know what is occurring and how to rebalance these structures within us. Relying instead on an intellectualized (male) perspective of our body as a machine that needs to be overcome or controlled so as not to interfere with our ‘progress’. No longer listening and Connecting with on an intuitive level in order to Communicate, Cooperate, Collaborate and Commune with our bodies for healing on multiple levels of our Being.


This month we have so many structures changing and shifting, that many people are feeling the often painful physical effects. Clients, colleagues and friends are reporting long lasting headaches, severe premenstrual and menstrual effects. Others are reporting unusual and intense aches and pains moving throughout the body. Some are experiencing dizziness or feeling off balance while others are reporting brain fog and/or fatigue. And still others are noticing strange skin eruptions or rashes that appear and disappear seemingly without rhyme or reason.


All these and more physical, emotional and mental responses can be direct effects of the chaotic and volatile shifts that are and will be part and parcel of Earth’s expansion and evolution. Yet, this is also opportunity for amazing leaps of growth, completion of projects your soul may have been working toward for eons, miraculous healing and or opening to more of your Truth and Authentic Self. Further depending on where you are in your Psychospiritual journey, it may allow for a true awareness of your own interdimensionality and/or your multidimensionality and that of the cosmos, an embodied awareness of your own Soul purpose at this time and its far reaching effects upon your family lineage or genetics, the Land, the Culture, Man’s relationship to the Earth and Nature, the Human species and beyond. So the question arises, “How large can a lobster get?” Here is a clip a friend posted that may help you to take advantage of the discomfort you may be experiencing on any level and follow the example of the lobster.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aDXM5H-Fuw  And as always I would be honored to serve as ‘the rock’ to facilitate your growth https://healersuniverse.com/discovery-process/


For those who have done a good deal of transformational work, it may be necessary to assess the fuel sources your field has been using up to now and perhaps receive a realignment of your Prime and/or reconnection to a more adequate fuel source for your system. And if your exploration has been even wider, you may need to have transition of certain energetic aspects of you that are in fact wreaking havoc in your body/life causing a sense of disconnect and or purposelessness or even a futility of it all. Not unusual for this amount of multilevel upheaval we’re experiencing. As one who has been there done that, I can assure you there are solutions and relief and I will escort you where your system wants to go!


One of the many ways to create some stabilization in your Field is to Ground, yet your old ways of doing so or depending on the earth at any given time, this may not be the most advantageous for your system. So I invite you to try saying “I ask and allow by Spiritual Law and my Oversoul that I anchor in to the exact right location for my field at this time”. Another helpful tool is to seek out a favorite tree or ask and allow an image or name of a type of tree to come to you and feel that you are receiving the exact alignment for you that day. There are many Sacred Trees venerated by different cultures and tribes around the world and throughout history. Better still if you have Young Living essential oils any of the tree oils (there are many https://healersuniverse.com/essential-oils/ ) can be placed down the midline of your body or dripped down your spine to create a safe and sound way of connection between your body and the earth.


Other ways of course are to raise your frequency through daily Spiritual Practices, creative expression even if that means good old Easter egg coloring or banging a drum and singing as well as being in the company of clear spiritual beings such as the Tibetan Monks Sand Mandala Tour March 2016 or taking a spiritual walk in Nature or a Labyrinth (yes you may come to walk the one in my backyard by calling ahead to advise for timing etc. https://healersuniverse.com/contact/ ) I am also posting a most beautiful New Thought version of the Stations of the Cross written by Rev. Jill Sabin-Carel which can be utilized during Holy Week or at any time to delve into your own Spiritual Journey (see bottom of Schedule page https://healersuniverse.com/schedule/ ).


As always know that I send you many blessings and if you have been a client, you are continuously held in the energetic configuration of Guides, Masters, Your Higher Selves and mine to receive hurdle help when needed and called for by your Inner Being.