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  • Soul Election Gathering

    Soul Election Gathering

    Greetings Dear Ones, Hoping all are enjoying the warmth and light catching colors of Fall! SPECIAL OFFER: For those who are seeking a means of connecting in to your multidimensional existences to bring through that knowledge, those talents, gifts and tools to apply in your everyday as well as make a difference to the whole, the 75…

  • Fall Away

    Fall Away

    Greetings Dear Ones, Hoping all are enjoying the change of season! Whether in the colorful leaves, temperatures or just the sense that the land and soil are adjusting, our bodies and Energy Fields know how to move with the cycles and phases of the Earth. However, many man-made, or caused components of our daily life are…

  • Creature Comfort & Cosmic Conjunctions

    Creature Comfort & Cosmic Conjunctions

    Greetings Dear Ones, Hope all are enjoying a cooling slide into Autumn! As many of you know I was directed by guidance to make my home and property a sanctuary for both people and animals many years ago. Over those years I’ve seen a constant and consistent decrease in the amount of wildlife in my yard and…

  • Pause Point for Choice

    Pause Point for Choice

    Hoping all are enjoying the up and down of temperatures we’ve had here on the East Coast! In the ‘in between’ of the onset of cool Autumn days and nights and the warming trend again is a slowing or pause point in which we can catch our breath and anchor into what we believe, want…

  • Color Me Everything!

    Color Me Everything!

    Greetings dear Ones, Hoping all are basking in the delicious Fall changes and colors of the natural world!   REMINDER: 13TH Annual “SAINTS, SOULS and SELVES” this Fri Nov. 1st at 7pm when the veil between the worlds is at it’s thinnest, allowing for liberation of ‘dead’ aspects of self. Then you can receive an…

  • Extinction to Evolution

    Extinction to Evolution

    As historic storms wipe out Caribbean Islands and cause in some cases irreparable damage to states in the southeast and fires blaze in the west destroying 100’s of thousands of acres of our forests, earthquakes in many places over the globe, it does seem to reflect a remark by Neil deGrasse Tyson on a National…

  • Life and Death and Somewhere in Between

    Life and Death and Somewhere in Between

    Hope you are enjoying the beauty of the leaves and the cool winds bringing change! The theme of Life and Death so timely this month is being explored and felt in a wide range of contexts and experiences. Traditionally this is a time of year when many cultures had customs and traditions or held celebrations…