This entails a personalized Psychic Reading, Recommendations and Messages through the Plant Wisdom of Therapeutic Grade Young Living Essential Oils. (Follow up training and Guidance for you and your family as a YLEO Partner: in their uses and benefits; how to safely apply and ways to make your whole home/office and environment toxin free; plus how to strengthen your own intuitive abilities.)

The Divine Plant Wisdom goes far beyond what chemically or physically may be known and proven by scientific method. Given the consciousness and care and concern for the Land, Seeds, the plant itself, the harvesting process and the actual slow, low temperature process of Young Living Oils, the innate intelligence of the plant and the chi of the plant is still present in the oils.
This allows for a ‘relationship’ to be created aiding you in the development of your own intuitive abilities not only in utilizing the Oils, but across your family, home, workplace and most importantly your own inner world!
Pure, unadulterated first quality essential oils are multi-beneficial and multi-therapeutic. Many are historically known for treating very specific symptoms, such as pain, insomnia, high blood pressure, or infection, virtually all of them work to oxygenate the cellular system of the human body, and are packed with vitamins natural hormones and a wide spectrum of crucial micronutrients which are carried directly into the cells and tissues of the body to oxygenate and nourish them.
In short, one of the real beauties of high quality essential oils is that almost any of them will help stimulate the human immune system, and benefit your overall health and well being, regardless of the specific symptom for which you may be using that oil.
Amidst today’s growing concern of pathogenic, antibiotic-resistant bacteria, mutating viruses, infectious fungi and disease-causing parasites, many people feel pure, unadulterated, therapeutic, quality essential oils are vital to our ongoing health and wellness maintenance.