Earth Day

You are the earth the earth is you! There isn’t an earth and humans. There is just one whole earth with an immense variety of parts. This reality was designed to be an interactive, interconnected, interdependent relationship between and among Man, Nature, and Wildlife within the seasons and cycles of this planet. A symbiotic synergistic collaboration…

Beneficial outcomes

Amidst the upheaval and repercussions of the coronavirus measures, it is difficult to not be affected by the heightened fear and anger both nationally and globally. But there are so many potential benefits coming from this ‘’crisis”, that it is easy to see how the Universe or our wise Soul selves used what Kryon refers…

The BIG Leap

Hoping all are enjoying this roller coaster ride of winter temps and our easy slide into Pre-spring! How apropos that this is a Leap Year in the year of “Societal Reset” and the beginning of a decade of Global Transformation! Another one of countless indicators that surround us on a daily basis that we are…

New Moon, New Year, New Decade, New Era!

Happy New Moon, New Year, New Decade and New Era to all!! Wow! What an explosive start to the year and decade of ‘Everything is up for Change’! With the recent Full Wolf Moon and Eclipse on the 10th and astronomical alignments that occur only very infrequently, we were off and running! The many earth…

Season of Light to Era of Enlightenment

Greetings dear ones, hoping all are enjoying the midst of this holiday season! All three major holidays, the Solstice, Hannukah and Christmas falling within a few days of each other mark a very powerful end to the year, the decade and most importantly the end of an era!  Known as the Season of Light from three different…