Equinox Ceremony and Conflict

Greetings Dear Ones, Hope all are taking in these last heat filled days of Summer! Anyone experiencing the intense heat of social, political and philosophical friction?  That along with the intensifying heat from devastating fires in the western US, the Amazon, Africa, Alaska and many other locations.  Meanwhile the number of conflicts around the world are…

Color Me Everything!

Greetings dear Ones, Hoping all are basking in the delicious Fall changes and colors of the natural world! REMINDER: 13TH Annual “SAINTS, SOULS and SELVES” this Fri Nov. 1st at 7pm when the veil between the worlds is at it’s thinnest, allowing for liberation of ‘dead’ aspects of self. Then you can receive an influx…

Going Forward To Go Back And Back To Go Forward

Hoping all are enjoying the cooling temps heading us into the Fall season! So many challenges, so many HUGE happenings on so many levels each week that it seems almost too difficult to contain and still keep ourselves upright! Yet one of the beautiful gifts we can learn and apply is adaptability and fluidity within…

Climate Crisis or Catalyst

Hoping all are enjoying this mini heat surge as Fall officially begins on the 23rd! On the 20th of this month millions took to the streets, students walked out of classrooms and others took off work or were allowed to do so to participate in a “Climate Strike” around the world. It is a call for…

From Endings-Beginnings

Hope all are enjoying the entrance to the Autumn season where with ease and effortlessness the leaves and branches fall off trees and plants leading into the sleep mode of winter. We too can take advantage of the seasonal cycling to allow the ‘dead’ issues, habits, thoughts and feelings that are no longer viable to…