Color Me Everything!

Greetings dear Ones, Hoping all are basking in the delicious Fall changes and colors of the natural world! REMINDER: 13TH Annual “SAINTS, SOULS and SELVES” this Fri Nov. 1st at 7pm when the veil between the worlds is at it’s thinnest, allowing for liberation of ‘dead’ aspects of self. Then you can receive an influx…

All Hallows Eve, Blue Moon Meditation

All Hallows Eve Blue Moon Meditation Attention: ALL SAINTS ALL SOULS EVENT IS NOW ON MON NOV 2ND (due to rain) at 5pm  A powerful ceremony with the Ancestors, the Elements Fire Pit, Labyrinth and the Pond to cleanse the Old Ways and establish the New Way for you personally and for our Nation, Cultures and the Planet.…

Soul Election Group

Hope all are enjoying these gorgeous fall days! Exhaustion, overwhelm, hopelessness and even despair abound these days. With so many Old Souls experiencing drastic manifestations in the physical. Be it in the body, finances, their work or even with family and pets. But the ancients, an Intergalactic Council that I’ve been working with for 20…