Mother to Us All

Hoping this day allowed you to remember the deep rich feeling of being mothered by either your birth mother a dear woman who you have perhaps ‘adopted’ as a mother or through your own mothering of children, family, friends or pets. And to feel the Great Mother Earth gifting and sharing her many ways of…

Eclipse Equinox New Moon Event‏

Greetings Dear Ones, So much has happened energetically since last writing with many peaking during this powerful combination of the Equinox, Total Solar Eclipse (although not visible in the US) and the New Moon. This gives us great opportunity to participate in and blaze trail for new ways of Being- in body, in our daily…

Equinox Balance

Greetings Dear Ones, As I sat contemplating International Woman’s Day on March 8th, I thought I might share some things that have been showing up in the current energetics. But, first a bit of background pulling from memory of a paper I wrote and subsequent years of reading and study. Thousands of years ago a…

Repeating patterns‏

Greetings Dear Ones, “He who does not know how to look back at where he came from will never get to his destination.” Jose Rizal Today is Groundhog day. Not only a tradition based in centuries old folklore, but the title of a surprisingly profound movie reflecting the individual journey to happiness and fulfillment. Phil…

Gifts for You

Greetings dear ones, Three Kings Day or Dia de los Reyes, marks the end of the Twelve days of Christmas and the Holy Days preceding it. This holy day commemorates Jesus’ manifestation to the world by the visitation of the three Wise men or Magi and their gifts to honor this Light to the world…