Wish Dream Imagine

Hoping all are feeling recharged and renewed by the start of a New Year – a New Way! While for many this is a time for goal setting, resolutions and intentions, I invite you to begin this year’s journey from a completely different space.. The above mentioned customary actions of the collective are based in…

Solstice event and Wave

As we move into this shift of light and dark in our astronomical and seasonal Solstice, I invite you to join me at 7:30pm this Wed. Dec. 21st for a recalibration meditation. While this is very last minute, the Divine opened up my Wed. evening and if you are feeling overwhelmed by the current events,…


Hoping all are enjoying the cooler temps, the scent of winter in the air and holiday preparations! As we watch the pieces falling into place for the years to come, many are anxious about the future and the potential harm to our planet, certain groups and individuals as well as the design and ideal of…

Forgiveness to Thanksgiveness

Hope all are enjoying this absolutely glorious autumn the colors the trees and weather close to perfection! As we are bombarded on one side by the message to Buy Buy Buy, there are many others extolling the virtues of being grateful and expressing our thanks, leading many to feel conflicted, split and separate. We are…

The Pendulum Swings = Huge Shift

Hoping all are enjoying these delicious Autumn days and cool sleeping nights! Just prior to my last blog there occurred a very small but perceptible change in the current energetic. Many of you know we have been experiencing a time where the Death Force has been predominant. This force is simply the other polarity on…