Hoping all are enjoying mellow winter temps and the busyness of Nature taking advantage of a mild season!
My deep apologies to all those who had intended to join me Live today for the weekly Ancient Future Wisdom – an update on the alchemical combination of Energetics, Nature Teachers, Masters from a myriad of sources and the Current Collective Consciousness theme. Technical difficulties did not allow for the Livestream to FB and participation with questions and your own observations which I not only welcome, but which informs and expands the information coming in and through in the Now.
Here is the link my You Tube channel “AHealersUniverse” where you’ll find today’s recording
You’ll also find past recordings and Energetic Practices or Meditations that incorporate and blend those Energetics for a powerful Transmission to aid and support your own transformation of the Current Energetic Theme.
This week we have powerful Warrior representatives who fight for justice, but which must be done in a wholly new way in this Age of Aquarius. A way each of us can do as we come up against our personal defense system barriers to our Pure Internal Truth. A Truth which will never ever steer us wrong, but which can be ‘shut up’ ‘shut down’, denied, negated, doubted or dismissed to follow the ‘lies’ our minds want to hold on to in the hope that our parent, and subsequent substitutes- Boss, Spouse, Political or Religious Leader or multiple other authority figures will one day be what we long for and expect them to be and do. People to whom we hand over our self determination based on what they ‘say’ rather than solely upon that Inner Truth which we FEEL inside.
This talk holds a bit more detail than others so the various Helpers can be evidenced and to share a WATO (What Are The Odds) example of ‘hypersynchronicity’ or as an experience of “The Oneness of it All” as I see it. If you want to skip to the transmission of Energetics cut to the 55min mark. and just drop Down and In for increase in Vitality, Independence and acceleration of your own ‘Rebirth’
Heads Up: Inauguration day I will be holding space and inviting anyone who would like to join me on Zoom for a 30min alignment with the Energetics of the Day and your own Desires, Wishes, Dreams of the Future at11am
Meeting ID 895 9808 8180 Passcode 190552
and again at 7pm on to place your Dreams into the Foundational Matrix.
Meeting ID 823 5112 7056 Passcode 797094
The Virtual “Cleanse, Clear and Reconfigure” Virtual Event was rescheduled to the 24th of Jan 12p-4pm given all the tumultuous events and energies over the past couple weeks.
Using the elements of the Earth and with the assistance of Numinous Beings and Cosmic Forces we’ll use experientials, ceremony and mystical practices to cleanse and clear the physical, mental, emotional and Spiritual bodies, then Reconfigure your System to Your Future Self!
Packets of ceremonial tools etc will be available for non-contact pick up or can be mailed if out of area or a list sent for you to gather the items. Contact me to register and arrange for your packet. Fee is $45 for the day