Earth-Giving Thanks Giving

ca. 1980s-1990s — Basket of Fruit and Pumpkin Pie — Image by © Royalty-Free/Corbis

Hope all are enjoying the excitement and preparations for this most beautiful time of Giving Thanks!

As we move into these days where the abundance of the earth and its diversity is experienced through the cooking and eating of meals, we have the opportunity to remember the exquisite interrelatedness and interdependence of the many factors that must come together to generate the meats, produce, grain and fruits we have at our fingertips! It comes so easy to us that we are not often mindful of the arduous processes from seed to growth ultimately to the convenient grocery store or market nearby. The earth and countless aspects of Nature, insects, animals, minerals, micronutrients, Elements Air, Soil/Earth, Fire (the sun), and of course Water are involved in a constant interplay and delicate balance that must be recognized and maintained in order for that abundance to continue.

A client related to me this week that she had been visiting one of the larger Cranberry producers in New Jersey and the owner shared how the movement of one type of bush nearby the bogs, caused all the bees to change their usual pattern and were then not pollinating so the cranberries could yield their normal harvest. This is one of countless ways that the effects on one species of insect affects the outcome of a staple for the Thanksgiving meal and innumerable other products made with cranberries!

Amerindian people know, feel and live the way of connection, communication, cooperation, collaboration and communing with ‘All our relations’ referring to the earth, animals, trees, clouds, lightning, insects, all the beings that make up this magnificent and plentiful planet. But it is only in the practice of interrelatedness and interdependence can we survive. Dismissing or devaluing any one factor by over use, abuse or destruction in countless man caused ways has brought us to what multiple disciplines of science are calling the 6th mass extinction.

While many people view the large number of varieties of species as evidence of a plentiful enough planet to ‘lose some’ and still ‘have what we want’, the unknown effect on the Circle of Life is potentially damaging or even devastating to the continuance of the human species. One small example being in our own backyards with the increase in bright lighting, fences, clearcutting and ‘build out’ of neighborhoods and businesses causing a decrease in the opossum populations with a direct rise in the number of harmful ticks. Of course there are countless other clear consequences. The loss of trees and the entire ecosystem that goes with even a small copse of trees and undergrowth and the resulting depletion and runoff of the soil. Insects with pesticides. Innumerable animals and insect populations decline or decimation due to loss of habitat.

This  is leading Old Souls, Seekers and Wayshowers, Sensitives to what some are referring to as ‘Extinction Illness’ and the ensuing physical, emotional or spiritual sense of loss and grief. Potentially even the loss of clear purpose and raison d’etre. Many are frustrated and angry yet believing those feelings to be an unspiritual, harmful or risky response, then mask or cover that natural reaction with what one beautiful soul named recently as ‘toxic positivity’. Other responses are to become numb to the constant barrage of information about the damage and appropriation or subjugation of land, resources and power sources. Yet, as many know and have experienced, it is in the most dire moments that we are forced to make choices that we otherwise would not have and are therefore as a species being pushed to the edge with the possibility of harm to the very place we inhabit and crucial to our survival.

But do not lose heart or faith. For we are in the very thick of an evolutionary leap not heretofore seen in the Universe given the many Dimensions, Worlds, Kingdoms and Realms connected into this planet. These many aspects of this great venture are accessed not only through Sacred Sites, Ancient Cultural Knowledge, and Spiritual Mysticism, but through each and every one who has chosen to be here at this time and participate in the evolutionary ascension process. Portals and vortices to other realities are not merely in the land of this planet, but in the Inner Spiritual Planes and other existences in the Universe Within you. Your Inner-verse.

So please give deep gratitude, recognition and acknowledgment to yourself and the many facets of you participating in this mind boggling undertaking of evolution or upleveling of the ‘whole game’ within a relatively short period of time. When you are feeling as if you are stuck or directionless or even as if you are ‘going backwards’ please know and be assured that you are exactly aligned with both your Soul’s purpose and the evolutionary leap as long as you continue to allow the pull and compulsion of your Essence to seek and find a way to transform that which causes division within you. Alienates differing parts of you or that suppresses the ‘nature of you’.

Whether that be judgement of yourself in relation to a standard outside of you (society, religion, others’ expectations-parents); or the unacceptance of ‘your way’ or beliefs; or gender expression; or career/work choice; or even the way you look and dress. All of which may be experienced as we gather with family and friends this holiday when old wounds and sore spots can be activated. But this is only an attempt by your Soul and the current energetics sparking and catalyzing you to follow the trail to transform the lie, mistaken beliefs or misperceptions of a young child to the conscious, individuated responsible adult who chooses the way of connection, communication, cooperation, collaboration and communing with others and the many aspects of this earth. Thus evolving the old way of dominance, control and suppression where fear, lack and discord maintain separation and destruction.

So I invite you to notice the many comments, inferences, nuanced judgments and condemnation of groups, races, cultures, religions, sexual orientation and political viewpoints in these gatherings, knowing that as they are voiced, felt and expressed that their revelation are making possible the evolution of these old divisions between and among peoples around the world.

For with each loop of the ever deepening spiral of inner discovery you very well may be tapping into a link or relationship with a facet of the earth or nature, a species of mammal, bird, fish, insect, plant, tree, weather pattern, mineral, plant, cosmic configuration or element which links you to another reality, time, world, realm or dimension enabling you to live here and now multi-existencially and assuring the continuation of that reality and all the Beings in it! YOU ARE SO MUCH MORE THAN YOU KNOW!!