Eclipse Equinox New Moon Event‏

Greetings Dear Ones,Bright eclipse

So much has happened energetically since last writing with many peaking during this powerful combination of the Equinox, Total Solar Eclipse (although not visible in the US) and the New Moon. This gives us great opportunity to participate in and blaze trail for new ways of Being- in body, in our daily lives and globally.

I find myself in awe and deep gratitude to the incredible and intrepid clients who have enabled so many of these energetics to be brought into the earth experience recently through their personal exploration, discovery and transformation of the issues at hand.

Many are aware of the feminine/masculine split within that has permeated the way one feels about and expresses themselves in relationships, creatively/work and society and how this separation shows up on the global scene, yet it has deep ramifications on the way man relates to the earth and therefore how we relate to our own earth structures in our body and energy field. Yet this is only one of the many ways in which we close off to parts of ourselves in an attempt to ‘keep the pain away’.

According to Sidereal Astrology “Solar eclipses offer opportunity to redefine concepts of self and the roles we play in the world, or how we articulate ourselves in life. They are about shifting octaves in the nature of our self-perception and self-expression, and addressing issues that keep us from doing so. They can invite a new beginning, way of life, or new way of participating in life”.

There is so much up for healing at this time, I encourage you to allow the ways in which you find yourself ‘split’ within your Being to open for the new underlying mathematics coming through right now. (more to come about this on Fri. night and in future blogs)

I invite you to join with me and others on March 20th to ‘hear the call to Freedom’ for many of these patterns to be loosed and liberated through several Sounding practices with each participant holding their own unique note within the ‘Tone of Liberation’ that will be transmitted to all those present and if you choose to join us from afar, as you sit in meditation.

Equinox, New Moon, Total Solar Eclipse on Fri. Mar. 20th at 7pm revealing aspects of the feminine within and elevating the evolved masculine bringing balance to your world within and our world without. We will be doing various exercises and practices including a profound tantric sound meditation
Please call to register 856-904-5566 $25 before 3/17 $30 after