Circle of Gratitude

There is a great circle of Giving and Receiving that is fueled by Thanksgiving. Particularly in relation to synchronicity which almost becomes a game between you and your Helpers or the Universe or the Divine or whatever name you apply to the underlying movement between you and All that is. Speaking your thanks is different…


Through the ending of old ways of subjugating and commercializing Nature, we can return to the internal knowledge, inner wisdom and our spiritual True North which allows for the feeling awareness that everything is interconnected and interdependent creating a deep sense of Stability, security and safety despite what is presenting in the outer world. You…

Bridging the Divine Within

While it may seem that there is a great divide in our country right now, it is actually reflecting the personal separation between our inner knowing and our outer reality based in our childhood experience. When what we were living in went against what our intuition felt was supposed to be. Thus creating a distortion…

Oh Happy Day!

We the people have chosen life liberty and the pursuit of happiness! Not just for some, but for everyone. This was the choice point for Humanity to evolve and continue to exist at a higher-level of duality than that which we have been exploring and studying for thousands of years. We have been shown…

Day of the Dead Practice

Hoping all are enjoying the crunch of leaves underfoot and the clear Blue Moon! PHEW! The energetics continue and powerfully fueling transformation and deep connection to loved ones, other dimensions, realities, Beings, Guides and most of all Self! Here is this morning’s recording of the Day of the Dead Altar making, traditions and a deep…