Equinox Ceremony and Conflict

Greetings Dear Ones,

Hope all are taking in these last heat filled days of Summer!

Anyone experiencing the intense heat of social, political and philosophical friction? 

That along with the intensifying heat from devastating fires in the western US, the Amazon, Africa, Alaska and many other locations.

 Meanwhile the number of conflicts around the world are heating up as well. Middle East and North Africa, Ukraine/Russia, Taiwan, Mexico, Venezuela and other Latin American countries and our own country’s violence and intimidation and mobilization of extremist groups. Currently it is the highest number of countries involved in conflicts since World War II!

Is there a direct connection between the fires in the world, the flooding and other natural disasters and the conflicts? And if you’re reading this I’m sure you know that there is. But perhaps not in the way that you have heard. 

The original design of this amazing planet was an intricate, intimate, interconnected and interrelated system between humans and the natural world. Where there was mutual respect, care, honor and exchange of energy. In the form of fresh clean clear water, bountiful harvests, and the animal kingdoms offerings of their bodies to clothe and nourish humans. With humans utilizing each and every part of the animal without waste, and the recognition of this partnership in the hunting by humans for need only – not pleasure. With the seasons and the cycles of the Elements creating a correspondence with psychospiritual aspects of humans.

As you well know that balance is completely off-kilter at this point in time. Which completely imbalances our own physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and of course energetic bodies. 

And yet this is all phases and steps within the accelerated evolutionary process we have chosen to explore and experiment with and through. Any who have done a deep physical cleanse process know that the system cannot move forward until the toxins are expelled. And there are many levels, types and organs from which those toxins must be activated, moved, flushed and eliminated.

Accordingly so must the toxic base, primitive, primal, lower aspects of human nature be purified. To then be transmuted to a more mature – emotionally, mentally and spiritually human being.

Where once again we work interdependently with the Earth, one another, individually and globally, for mutual benefit and growth. Utilizing the cutting edge technology and knowledge from all scientific disciplines  with answers and solutions to our world’s problems available right now.

So many are experiencing is the buildup of internal toxicity, physically mentally, emotionally, spiritually and energetically causing detrimental manifestations in body, finances, business/career, relationships and blockage of creative expression. And probably most devastating of all in our internal love, acceptance and embrace of who we truly Are. Beyond the standards, expectations, perceptions, and resultant actions of those within our inner circle and outer circle of friends and family, and our wider societal circles.

Yet this is the internal and external ‘war/battle/conflict’ of Evolution! Individuating from family of origin patterning, cultural, religious, tribal, institutional, economic and Old Way frameworks that constrict and restrict.

This is an exceptional planet in an exceptional process with exceptional souls participating in a project never here to four done in this way in this universe. And you are here on purpose as a vital link in this evolutionary leap! 

So I invite you to join me Sunday September 22nd for an Equinox Ceremony and Healing wherein the Energetics of Equanimity Equipoise and Mutual Duality will infuse your entire system after a powerful dissolution and elimination or conversion of toxins within your multilevel system. This will allow for more space within your system to create, develop and implement new paths, new projects, new ways for yourself, your family, your lineage, and your species.

This is a donation only event with proceeds going to the Sierra Club of New Jersey.  

Please send offerings to PayPal with Andrea@HealersUniverse.com the email needed.
Or to Venmo andrea.regal with phone number 856-904-5566

To this end I am also offering “Breakthrough Your Wall” sessions. A series of three 90 minute sessions to Energetically transform the issue at hand resulting in accelerated forward movement on your path.

Additionally “Alchemical Magic Creation” will begin in October. A 4-month course in identifying, accessing, developing and utilizing your otherworldly gifts, talents and abilities to apply in your daily life. Ultimately benefiting the Evolution of this planet! 

Being the Exceptional Soul that you are I look forward to seeing you in one of these opportunities at this crucial and definitive moment in human history!