Greetings Dear Ones,
Hoping all are enjoying the sights and sounds of Nature all around us!
As many are reeling from the election and where we go from here, this will be a Group Healing Session to receive from ‘The Ancients, Ancestors and many other Helpers accessible now. Gathering in community is vital and exactly what is called for and called forth right now. Please come and receive.
The Link is here, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89399601445?
Passcode: 670029
As we watch the pieces falling into place for the years to come, many are anxious about the future and the potential harm to our planet, certain groups and individuals as well as the design and ideal of our democracy.
While there is so much to be concerned about, it is also requiring all of us to stand up and be counted for what we believe in and are willing to take action to change. Even if that means more effort and work by doing research, using information resources and discerning what is true and what is hype.
I haven’t watched or listened to mainstream news for many years. I receive news options from Journalism sources such as the Associated Press; Reuters; the Guardian from England; and several others from Europe, Asia and a variety of other countries. As well as many science journals and Environmental Groups ‘on the ground’! But they need to be supported, because they are not funded by large advertisers etc therefor have the ability to be more accurate in their reporting! Try them out or do some research for sources you may find objectively ‘truthful’!
Perhaps that means boycotting the products and companies that are not in alignment with what we feel is right and just. Even if that means sacrifices of doing without or willing to pay more for those services and products which do fit with our principles.
Now more than ever it is vital to gather together bringing forth our own natural abilities, gifts and talents to co-create the world we envision for our children and grandchildren. We are being called forth to step into our fullness by accessing and utilizing those ‘super’ natural abilities we have been working on and refining for lifetimes.For tonight however I am offering a Group Healing time where you are welcome to bring whatever you may be feeling/experiencing whether that be shock, hurt, anger, disbelief, confusion, numbness and/or anything else. To be put into the Sacred Crucible such that the Alchemical mixing and friction crated can transmute into what you may need.
We will not be doing any ‘work’ or experiential exercises this evening and minimal talking. I will be transmitting and those present will simply receive the exact right Energetics for soothing/healing/alleviating/energizing. For there are sooo many Helpers offering at this moment (and will continue to do so over the course of ‘study’ we have chosen!
The power of a Group Field is amplified as more join their unique Energies, gifts, talents and abilities. Please join me to receive and send that wave to many tonight!