Greetings Dear Ones,
Hoping all are enjoying cooling temps and the changing angles of the Sun!
REMINDER:11/04 8P EDT Soul Election Gathering
Based on all the information that I have received from the Ancients (an intergalactic Council of advisors specializing in this uplevelling of humanity process), this election is the deciding point for whether we move forward into a more evolved human species or devolve and destroy ourselves.
I am convening this group of powerful Beings so that each individual’s way of Creatorship can be strengthened and alchemically intermingled and then embedded deeply into the Foundational Matrix of our current reality.
Please join me making your choices for our world-your Vote!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 898 1161 2694
Passcode: 772974
Change has always been fraught with fear, particularly large or dramatic changes, for it leaves us feeling out of control and unprepared to deal with what may come in the future. Oftentimes the compulsion to make a change is based on the unbearable present. The other impetus for change is clearly envisioning where you want to be and doing whatever it takes to get there.
(For those who are seeking a means of connecting in to your multidimensional existences to bring through that knowledge, those talents, gifts and tools to apply in your everyday as well as make a difference to the whole, the 75 min “Reconnect with Your Selves” sessions are discounted to $133)
This is true whether that be personal changes or the more dramatic social changes through revolutions, coup or diplomatic hand off or a Democratic Election. In the case of our own US history it seems it was a combination of an intolerable oppressive state and a group of truly visionary men who were able to visualize and create a system ‘open at the top’ for growth and expansion while anchoring into law certain inalienable rights. Giving all of us ‘choices’ in how we live our lives, do business and pursue happiness
We are in an unprecedented time of change leading us to wide open choices of how to design and construct not merely our day to day lives, but our inner spiritual realms and the very trajectory of our Soul’s path. This is true Freedom! Utilizing pure free will to choose how and to where we will evolve both individually and as a species.
Yet, for any transformation to occur we must first assume responsibility, see our own part in the situations and relationships in our lives. Further, assuming responsibility for what takes place in our world, by recognizing how and in what way we do, think, and feel the same things as any ‘they’ to which we ascribe the blame.
Or as the amazing Rev. David Ault reminds us “There is nothing more powerful than taking responsibility for everything and realizing that I am the catalyst for change using the tool of imagination as a window into our future world.”
We continue to ride the wave of the many traditions and the ‘Helpers’ that come forward with them. All Hallows Eve- the Celtic new year festival, the eve, then day of Samhain, the most sacred of holidays in that tradition. Which is followed immediately by All Saints Day which an 8th century Pope attempted to convert to a recognition of catholic saints in order to eliminate the ‘Old Ways’ of this and other ancient cultures.
As we see in the Day of the Dead celebrations and now being adopted by modern groups are being revived and continued, in order to lessen the distance between us and those not in physical form. But not gone from either our personal connection nor the Earth Energetic Grids.
Many other ‘origin cultures’ throughout Europe and around the world have had traditions to honor, communicate with and celebrate the Ancestors. calling upon them for knowledge, and assistance throughout daily life. A practice helpful now as we are facing such a key point in time for a country where our ancestors, slaved, suffered, gave up or lost everything, including their lives to get here and upon whose sweat and tears this remains the beacon of Democracy for the whole world.
With COP16 ending yesterday we can call in and call upon Nature Intelligence to assist us where humans failed. For although many wonderful decision were voted upon by this UN body, the means of funding them was not arranged. For those corporate entities and governments that benefitted from the bounty and who created the largest damage will not agree to fund the steps necessary to protect habitats and biodiversity and clean up from the damage. As usual it is landing upon the backs of the poor nations again.
Perelandra was another of the many conscious and Energetic Groups I found myself working with this week whose Ancient Future ways are available waiting for us to implement. They invite us all to do the “Biodiversity Process” on the First of every month to amplify the power of many putting in the same energetic design to support the preservation of our fragile and exquisitely biodiverse world! https://perelandra-ltd.com/
One more of the many spiritual and Energetic communities I sat in meditation and Energetic Practice with this week was one whose Magical Healing trainings source back through Merlin to the ancient Hindu tradition forms of healing and now blended with cutting edge science. In a weekly world wide gathering of 200-300 Healers specific complex Energetic structures related to the evolution of mankind are guided to be placed into the field of the human psyche.
Having that event fall on Diwali which marks the victory of good over evil, light over darkness and happiness over despair was beautifully arranged by the Universe to optimize the Ancient power of that tradition. The many clay lamps that are lit everywhere symbolize the “illumination within all of us, which can overcome ignorance, represented by darkness” Hindu American Foundation
Another Spiritual community with whom I collaborated this weekend has been working with the Sacred Geometry and astrological alignments embedded within the National Mall in Washington DC by the founding Fathers whose incorporation of Masonry and ancient mysticism is apparent in the layout and structures of our capitol. They have been working with these mathematics for several years! To strengthen and support those Energetics with specific physics and astronomical configurations. This coinciding with a Solar X-flare and almost X-flare this week and the New Moon which has enabled an amount of stars even in our area so diffused with lights, to blanket our night sky!
Phew! And those are just a few of the incredibly powerful and Wide Energetics and Helpers seemingly lining up to aid, ease, boost, facilitate, contribute, further, abet, accommodate, advance, serve, cooperate and collaborate with us in this massive change to occur in such a condensed period of time! Other Helper Beings, Masters and Universal Energies from the Source Initiation point have come forward in this venture right now.Please join me on Monday Nov. 4th at 8pm to place your personal and planetary ‘Designs’ into the Soul Election hopper. And receive from these benevolent Allies what you and your System may need at this critical juncture.https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89811612694?pwd=WlRJl6txuZbYgmeemQB794aGOVm9Ob.1
On Tues. Nov 5th Election Day, I will be holding a container for anyone who wishes to sit in these and many other Energetics (including those you are seeing, feeling, working with) for prayer, Practice, support, soothing, physical/mental/emotional regeneration and ‘filling up’!
The Healing Container will be open 12p-2p; 3-5p; and 7-9 p EDT
Zoom link:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86828040860?pwd=LaubGwQSzUSCOSbX8hst0QiZaq3aj2.1
Meeting ID: 868 2804 0860
Passcode: 310341
Some Oil Helpers: White Angelica to filter those energies and vibrations that are not right for you; Ocotea for example is a ‘reprogramming’ oil great for helping you change your thinking and the blend ‘Envision’ can aid in expanding your view of your life and of course ‘Into the Future’ to take you and US there!
Go to https://healersuniverse.com/essential-oils/ or call for a reading of which oils best address the area you wish to shift.
Be well and happy always and in ALL ways,