Fall Away

Greetings Dear Ones,

Hoping all are enjoying the change of season!

Whether in the colorful leaves, temperatures or just the sense that the land and soil are adjusting, our bodies and Energy Fields know how to move with the cycles and phases of the Earth. However, many man-made, or caused components of our daily life are interfering with our body and Energy Fields’ ability to function. Much less thrive. The amount of toxins from food, air, items we bathe and clothe ourselves in, the packaging of the countless items we use and the amount of chemicals etc. we are exposed to and surrounded by is incalculable
We are on overload from almost every angle. And it takes great effort to ward against toxicity from so many sources.

Fall in the northern hemisphere is always a wonderful time for cleansing. As of course what is now spring in the southern hemisphere which too is an ideal cleansing opportunity. I encourage you to find a physical cleansing method that works for you. Fasting has been a part of all Ancient spiritual practices and has been a part of physical healing in most cultures around the world from the beginning. Please research various approaches and remember when this was common practice were not facing the demands, hectic pace and bombardment from hundreds of sources every day throughout our day! I’m partial to the Lemonade Diet by Stanley Burroughs, but find the one that fits you and your lifestyle.
Some Young Living Essential Oils helpful for this process are: Jade Lemon; Cilantro; Fennel; Grapefruit; the Cleansing Trio and Detoxzyme among others.

And of course it is just as vital to cleanse the mental body. We can do this through exercises of listening to our own ‘headvoice’ and noticing the loops and trends when we’re in certain settings or circumstances or around certain people or groups. Questioning in our own self reflection and introspection processes, where that voice may originate from or whose voice it may actually be or when that ‘tone’ of voice/words began. Which may allow you to more easily choose the train of thoughts running so frequently and fast through your mind.
What would you like now, or would have liked as a child, to hear and be told. Or the tone and frequency of what you wish was said to you.
Some great Young Living oils are Clarity, Frankincense, Envision; Brain Power; Three Wise Men and more.

Then of course the most important of all to me is the emotional cleansing. This isn’t done by simply stopping feeling or controlling those emotions in one way or another with the countless wonderful methods and tools available. Ideally going through the first level of transforming them from their destructive or detrimental effects. 
But one can spend a long time and a lot of energy in modifying one’s behavior or using tools to simply keep those emotional pieces from running the show.

All for the good as my father used to say, but ultimately those emotional patterns call to be ‘transmuted’ which allows for them to completely change their form. Much like a homeopathic healing tincture can come from what would be a poisonous substance. For once transmuted you are now accessing the soul piece within the traumatic wounding and thereby free of it’s need to compel and catalyze you.
Some wonderful Young Living oils to help would be doing the ‘Feelings Kit’ processes; Transformation, Exodus II; Freedom Release Kit, Magnify your Purpose; Forgiveness and many more!

Of course spiritual and energetic cleansing are vital to the system. You might find a different meditation process or way. Or perhaps sitting longer than you used to. Or inviting in a wider resource for guidance or pathway for communing with the Divine within and thereby The Divine in whatever form you see It.
Cleansing your field with water charged with words and feelings you wish to imbue into the water. Or Baking Soda/Epsom salts baths. A silent retreat for a day. Or laying particular crystals on each Chakra Energy center for 20-30min. Some helpful oils are Sacred Mountain; Australian Blue; Believe; En-R-Gee; Black Pepper; White Angelica and others.

Reach out for a more individually tailored Essential Oils Alchemy consult with guidance directly from the Oil Masters for your maximum benefit!

For more accelerated results, I am offering a set of Three 90min ‘Breakthrough Your Wall’ sessions for powerful Energetic/Spiritual excision of that which is obstructing the path of more permanent change for you.

This Tues Oct 15th there’ll be an Introductory class to the upcoming Alchemical Magic Creation Course with twice monthly gatherings wherein there’ll be opportunity to work 1:1 with me in 20″ mini sessions, interchange of knowledge and Energetic experience from fellow Seekers and explorers, Readings from me of your ‘otherworldly’ lives and the gifts and abilities you can channel through to change your life and our World!

Later this month the Healing for the Healer/Spiritual Adept/Mentor/Mystic will be starting. We will be working with various structures within the Energy Field and your emotional body to develop stability and balance when working with clients, teaching, presenting, or even vending products etc within the field of health and wellness!
Come expand your vessel!

For those of you who have worked the ‘Discover the Universe Within’ program with me and are thereby advanced in the levels of Energetics and want to use your power and focus those skills for Earth projects to propel human evolution, the Earth Stewards group is starting back up. We’ll be gathering to hone and use those Energetic abilities in an alchemical fusion for profound and magical effects! Contact me if called

And the 16th annual Saints, Souls and Selves event will take place on Nov 1st (details to follow)
There is so much happing from one moment to the next weather wise, socially, economically, Internationally and more, we can be in it and with ourselves and those around us much easier when we have more of ourself to presence. The more we dispel all levels of toxicity and continue to purify and through the alchemical process of emotional distillation then our True Nature can lead us through this uncharted evolving world!