Welcome To Healers Universe

A human being is part of the whole, called by us “Universe”; a part limited in time and space.
He experiences himself, his thoughts, and feelings as something separated from the rest – a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
Albert Einstein

We are at a point in this Great Game or Experiment where countless Beings have joined together to take advantage of the confluence of Energetics and wisdom accessible for an evolutionary expansion of this planet, all the species upon it and the Universe itself since Earth is the microcosm of the universal macrocosm.

As with an adventure to the most popular of amusement parks, you have made your inquiries (soul experiences you would like to have), chosen a specific park (earth), traveled to get there (being born), bought your tickets (decided to be a seeker), looked around the park (explored many disciplines and read many books), waited in line (life experiences), entered your little car (decided to go on this ride no matter how scary it appeared because everyone seemed to be laughing when they got off), got strapped in (12/21/12 -Codes to open the next level of evolution occurred), slowly the gears turn and you feel the machinery start to move you forward (specific energetics have been activated within the, planet, the Cosmos and within you). Now the ride really starts to take off!

In order to realize our highest potential in this quest, we must first come to know who we are and who we are not! We arrive at this knowing by traversing the ‘naked truth’ of our strengths and limitations. These truths are reflected in the mirrors, as those around us and everything in our world.

Navigating us to our potential are those challenges that ‘seem’ to be impeding us, but which are in actuality leading us to the depth of our gifts and passions. For your childhood wounds/traumas and subsequent patterning are the map you left yourself! Your compass is your Innate- an internal direct line of communication to and from your own Soul.

The magic of expansion of consciousness is that the more individualized we become, the more universalized is our perspective on life, which creates the internal space for more compassion, acceptance, and love.

First, this must occur in and through our relationship with ourselves, which quite ‘automagically’ allows us to have the external space to feel and extend this love, acceptance, and compassion for others in our inner circles and in ever-widening circles to include our community, nation, other cultures, nature, and our planet.

To this end, the “Discover the Universe Within” process was created over many decades, many disciplines, timeless teachings, philosophies, schools, cosmologies, ancient knowledge, earth-based wisdom traditions, and cutting-edge science to meet You where you are and pilot you to where you want to be. Moreover, to WHO you know deep inside, you Truly Are!

Enjoy this short Meditation.

Click on this link to AHealersUniverse YouTube channel and follow your Guidance, to choose by the title or image next to a video with meditation that is exactly right for you in this moment. Trust your intuition!